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Monday 03.06.2013 · Author: Wenatex

Wenatex makes barrier-free lessons for blind girl possible

The case of the 12-year old Corinna Hiegert from Baden-Württemberg in Germany demonstrates the effect of a donation. Via the “Friends’ Association” or “Booster Club” of the Schlossberg School in Kappelrodeck, Wenatex provided support for a blinded girl by offering a donation of 10,000 Euros in order to help her on the way toward an independent life.

Corinna’s parents wrote a touching letter in which they described what the donation means to Corinna and what an enormous improvement it has made to the quality of her everyday school life:

We, the parents or moreover Corinna’s entire family would like to express our deepest gratitude to family Wernicke and their company Wenatex.

Our daughter Corinna is a 12 year old girl who lost her eyesight to cancer when she was just a small child. Due to the necessary chemotherapy, her hearing was damaged so badly on each side that she has needed hearing aids since the age of 2. Despite these handicaps, Corinna attends the 6th grade of the secondary school in Kappelrodeck, Germany. Although this school shows lots of support toward integration, everyday school life often proves difficult for Corinna, because the authorities only fund the most necessary basic conditions. The additionally required work materials and an improved workstation to afford Corinna a comfortable working environment during lessons often exceeds the budget of our family of five.

We are all the more grateful to you, dear Mrs Wernicke, for supporting our daughter Corinna via the “Friends’ Association” of the Schlossberg School Kappelrodeck, with this incredibly generous donation of 10,000 euro. We can still hardly believe what you have done to help us. THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH!!!

One of Corinna’s wishes has already been fulfilled by part of the donation. She is jubilant that an acoustic ceiling was installed in the natural science classroom during the Easter holidays. This sound damping measure means that Corinna is now able to relax, because she can still understand the teacher and not miss anything, despite various other classroom noises including the excited voices of the other students.

The second part of the donation allows us to buy Corinna some additional teaching material, such as various tactile maps, geometric material and lots more, – things that she will need over the course of the coming school years.

Thanks to the support provided by your company Wenatex, Corinna is able to enjoy a barrier-free school education, just like any other child. For this we owe you our deepest THANKS

Heike, Günter ,Corinna, Nathalie and Marco Hiegerto Hiegert



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